Sunday, April 1, 2007

I added a Picture

Well, I added my picture to the blog.....I am not photogenic at all!!! But, yes this is me, right now, today! When reading other blogs, I do like to know what the author looks like, so to practice what I preach, I took the plunge and added mine. I wish someone would photoshop me! But then that really wouldn't be me right?! Well, at least you now know what I look like!


Vicki Hook said...

Hi Melanie! Nice to put a picture with a name! :D
Vicki Hook

Jovita @ Inky Impressions said...

Hey there Melanie… it’s great to “see” you.

kyle said...

dear lord...i work with melanie at her parents resturant, and this is NOT a good picture! she is much cuter, younger and thinner looking in person!!! seriously!!!